What is now corrupted used to be a fine piece of armor. Maybe one day it will be cleansed…
From THIS Episode: Corrupted Gorget Armor
For use of products, please follow the following rules. If they are broken, Skill Tree reserves the right to revoke the usage rights of the product.
- If used, credit must be given to Skill Tree as the original source.
- Purchases are non-transferable. (May only be used by the person purchasing them)
- May not be sold as part of a mass-produced or large scaled product. Selling as part of smaller batches is allowed.
What is now corrupted used to be a fine piece of armor. Maybe one day it will be cleansed…
From THIS Episode: Corrupted Gorget Armor
For use of products, please follow the following rules. If they are broken, Skill Tree reserves the right to revoke the usage rights of the product.
- If used, credit must be given to Skill Tree as the original source.
- Purchases are non-transferable. (May only be used by the person purchasing them)
- May not be sold as part of a mass-produced or large scaled product. Selling as part of smaller batches is allowed.